The Paradise Pack: tools For creating a Freer lifestyle

have you thought about quitting your current job and working for yourself? Do you want to start a side hustle to make some extra cash each month? Do you dream of doing something different with your life, but just don’t know where to start? 

If so, the resources in the Paradise pack are for you!

Our site is all about showing you how to work remotely on your own terms, make money while you’re travelling, and live a freer lifestyle. The Paradise pack aligns with our mindset perfectly, which is why we chose to add our product to the Pack.

As with last year, we’re pleased to announce that our course will be included. Last year we shared our Beginner’s blogging Course, which walks you through the set-up of a WordPress blog, and this year our complete SEO Course is in the Pack.

We’re so excited!

This is the sixth year that the pack has been running, and every year there are different resources, courses, and tools to show you the roadmap to success through a location independent business. 

What is The Paradise Pack?

The Paradise pack is a bundle of online products from expert travel and company gurus. The pack is available for one week, once a year, at a discounted rate (this year it’s 92% off) and then it’s gone…

Each year the pack is different, so if there are products you’re interested in, don’t assume you’ll get the pack next year  — those resources will be gone.

The items in the Paradise pack instruct you exactly how to be your own boss, run your own company from your laptop, learn a new language to help you live abroad, become an Instagram pro, instruct English online, earn an income while you sleep, og mye mer.

Jason and Travis are the men behind this amazing Pack, and they themselves live the location independent lifestyle. They practice what they preach! From travellers to company owners, they’re living their dream lifestyle and want to help you do much more of what you love, with those you love.

The Paradise pack is a paid bundle of tools, but there is a totally free guide available as well.

If you’re interested in learning how to manage your time much more wisely, how to work through your tasks much more efficiently and how to execute the Pomodoro technique (What’s that? find out in the guide!), then click here for your totally free guide. 

Here’s what previous pack members are saying:

What products are in The Paradise Pack?

This year the pack provides educational products from 17 professionals. These people are experts in online business, entrepreneurship, location independence and of course, travel! All you need to be successful in creating the lifestyle of your dreams is in this Pack. 

Here are a few of the things you’ll learn from the courses, tutorials, books and guides (for a full list, click here):

Complete SEO course (this is our product) – SEO implies search Engine Optimization. Optimizing your blog to rank in search engines like Google. once you crack the code of SEO, the formula is repeatable. learn the SEO Blueprint that we’ve used to grow our blog to over 350,000 users per month. much more readers implies you’re spreading your message to a greater audience, growing your brand, and of course, earning much more income through advertising, affiliates and product sales.  

Build Your brand – uncover your personal brand step by step, share your uniqueness with the world, build a thriving business, and support a lifestyle you love.

App building Blueprint – have an idea for the most epic app ever, but don’t know where to start? This will help you get your app into the hands of millions.

US tax For digital Nomads – becoming a digital Nomad is great, but what do you do about taxes in your home country? learn about going from being a W-2 employee to moving every few months, the tax concepts that impact you, and receive a useful to-do list before you leave the States.

How to learn any Language, Quickly – If you want to become a digital nomad and live all around the world, you’re going to want to learn some of the local language. You’ll learn exact language hacks Benny used to become fluent in 8 languages (and conversational in numerous more). learn his framework for quick language learning and go step-by-step through your 3-month language mission.  

Passive income Powerhouse – Passive income implies that you earn money while you’re travelling, sleeping, eating, golfing, etc. Basically, when you’re doing things you enjoy! With the development of technology, anybody can earn “passive income”. You’ll learn how top Udemy instructor Jonathan Levi has made over $1 Million in passive income using easy frameworks anybody can apply. 

THer er mange mye flere produkter, inkludert undervisning i engelsk, online veiledning, hvordan du kan lykkes i Instagram Biz, hvordan du kan gå fra en “wantrepreneur” til en vellykket gründer, hvordan tjene penger som konsulent, hvordan sette sammen Supreme Mastermind Team, hvordan lansere et produkt effektivt, og så mye mer.

Det er mange mye mer ressurser tilgjengelig i pakken. Klikk her for en fullstendig liste over hva du kan forvente, pluss mye mer informasjon om hva hvert produkt gir deg.

Hvor mye koster Paradise Pack?

Verdien av produktene i Paradise -pakken er over $ 6000.

Men hvis du kjøper dem alle som en bunt mellom 23. april – 29. april (23:59 PST), vil du motta 92% avslag. Paradise -pakken koster $ 497 USD.

Denne online utdannelsen er tilgjengelig for deg for en brøkdel av hva det vil koste å gå på college eller universitet. I tillegg er du i stand til å lære i ditt eget tempo – pause kursene, bøkene og opplæringsprogrammene når du vil og gjenopptas senere. Tidsplanen for når du ser, leser og lærer er helt opp til deg, og produktene er dine for å gå på igjen når du har lyst på det.

Hvis du har vært på gjerdet om å kjøpe vårt nyeste SEO -kurs, er det nå på tide å gjøre det. For bare $ 200 mer vil du motta 16 mye mer ekspertkurs, bøker og guider!

Invester i deg selv, din fremtid og drømmene dine.

Hva annet er inkludert?

Ikke bare vil paradispakken hjelpe deg med å endre livet ditt, men du vil endre andres liv. Hvert år gir Jason og Trav 10% av overskuddet til blyantene i Garanti -organisasjonen, et selskap som bygger skoler over hele verden.

Så langt har Jason og Trav gitt nok til å bygge 2 skoler (en i Guatemala og en i Laos), og de er på vei til en tredjedel. Ditt kjøp av paradispakken bidrar til utdanning av forskjellige barn rundt om i verden, hvor flott er det?!

Du vil også motta et belønnings nedsenkingsverksted 2 uker etter at du har kjøpt Paradise Pack. Dette vil hjelpe deg å komme i gang, og holde entusiasmen og fart opp.

Hvordan får du pakken?

Det fine med online læring er at det ikke er noe fysisk produkt du må vente på, som du kan miste, eller som vil få kaffe sølt over det hele. Hver vare i pakken er elektronisk og sendes til e -posten din. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å kjøpe pakken når den er tilgjengelig 23. april.

For å lære mye mer om Paradise Pack, som er involvert i den og hva du får for pengene dine, klikk her.

Glad entreprenørskap?

Dariece & Nick

Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Geiter på veien er en Amazon -tilknyttet og også et tilknyttet selskap for noen andre forhandlere. Dette innebærer at vi tjener provisjoner hvis du klikker på lenker på bloggen vår og kjøper fra disse forhandlerne.

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